SantaMeme Is Low Cap Gem on its way to the Moon!

SantaMeme is not just another santa-token, we're a festive revolution, dedicated to spreading smiles and changing lives this Christmas by giving joy and happiness to our community in this season of joy 🎅


happiness to our community in this season of joy 🎅

  • Low Cap Gems
  • Stake Token
  • 0/0 Tax
  • No presale


100,000,000 tokens

LIQUIDITY 50,000,000 (50%)

STAKING REWARDS 30,000,000 (30%)


AIRDROPS 5,000,000 (5%)

Our Roadmap

Roadmap for Santameme

Phase 1

Marketing and hyping the token in the media and on socials, then DEX launch

Phase 2

The launch of our Staking Dapp on solana Network - Stake to Earn more $STME tokens

Phase 3

$STME aims for $100,000,000 market cap and beyond. Why not?

FAQS Santameme:

Questions people ask

SantaMeme Is Low Cap Gem on its way to the Moon!. SantaMeme is not just another santa-token, we're a festive revolution, dedicated to spreading smiles and changing lives this Christmas by giving joy and happiness to our community in this season of joy 🎅

$STME is a low cap token built on sol that guarantees 1000X.

A form would be shared at the end of our Airdrop Campaign for the submission of wallet Address and distribution of Airdrop tokens to those would qualified and complete all task.

Our Mainnet Launch is coming Soon Soon!!! Join Santamemeonsol on Telegram and Twitter for fresh Update about Santameme.

$STME IS 100,000,000 total supply.

How do I get in touch with SantaMeme Team??

Send all Enquiry, Partnership and Marketing Proposal to